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The Pole Physio

Training Programs

Want to master your nemesis pole or aerial move?

Need to build strength and/or flexibility for pole but not sure where to start? Take your training to the next level with The Pole Physio Training Programs.


Access our 6 and 12-week training programs through our Pole Physio app and receive dedicated support from our Strength and Conditioning coach with frequent check-ins. Watch your progress soar in our screening sessions along the way.



Workouts planned & ready to go. Access your program any time, any place. All in the palm of your hand.

How it works


Purchase a program

Sign up for your chosen program to begin your strength and/or flexibility journey to unlock your nemesis pole move.


Download the Pole Physio app

Once you have purchased your Pole Physio training program, download our Pole Physio app here and sign in.


Start your program

Log in to the app and start your program. Start with your introduction and baseline screening session to measure your progress!


Log and track your progress

Log your workouts and monitor your progress. Watch your baseline measures improve over time as you conquer your goal.

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Enhance your training

The Pole Physio Training Programs have been created to help you build strength and flexibility as quickly as possible, helping you achieve nemesis tricks and stay free from injury. Take your training to the next level with The Pole Physio Training Programs.

Tara - Strong Straddles

"The 12 week program for straddles was an incredible experience. The program was easy to follow and the app made monitoring workouts and progress easy. My overall strength grew each week. I felt more confident in my abilities, which improved my pole experience overall. I highly recommend this program for anyone who wants to build strength for straddles or is having trouble with the move. It was a fantastic experience."

Our available online training programs

Build strength, flexibility and condition your body with our training programs, designed with pole dancers and aerialists in mind. Keep an eye out for new programs released every few months!

Click on picture below to learn more about it's training program(s).

Access your Programs

Already purchased a training program? Click the link below to access The Pole Physio Training Programs you have purchased.

Image by Drew Beamer


Want to learn while you train?

Level up your pole dance knowledge and learn with the Pole Physio team. Get lifetime access to our pole dancing scientific and evidence-based self paced educational courses. The perfect complement to our training programs.

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